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CMYK – Refers to the four process colors – cyan, magenta, yellow and black-used in 4-color printing. CMYK is used for digital printing (sublimation is a digital CMYK process which uses heat to transfer dye onto a medium such as a plastic card, paper, or fabric.) CMYK is blended by the printing device during application….

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FAQ – Registration

Registration is the alignment of image components that is required to correctly produce a clear, precise image. For example, the four colors in 4-color process printing must combine properly on the page to produce the desired result but the best example is when printing spot colors, the first color is run and then the second…

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FAQ – Bitmap

A bitmap (BMP) image is an electronic image file mapped on a grid (raster) of small squares called pixels. Each pixel is assigned a specific location and color. Bitmap files are commonly used for photographs. Bitmaps are best when the file is saved to the exact size it will be displayed or printed. Raster graphics…

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FAQ – Bleed

Bleed A term used to describe ink coverage that extends all the way to the edge of a page, paper, piece of fabric or other printed surface. This is accomplished by printing on paper or fabric larger than the finished size of a publication, bag, shirt or other embellished item, then trimming either the item…