Ordering Information

New products and catalogs arrive everyday. It’s been colder than normal in the south so I’m sure a lot of buyers are wishing the had opted for long sleeve jackets. Lots of logos would be showing now! It’s not too late if you have something specific in mind just let us know. We are a one-on-one promotional products distributor. You’re welcome to place an order online by going to the “Product Search” tab and clicking on one of our research partners. But, you’re still probably going to hear from a real person before you order is processed because we want to be sure the order is good to go and that there are no surprises. Verifying the information is an extra step that we take to ensure order accuracy.

There are many links on our site which will take you to an automatic ordering site and those are handled directly by our vendor or affiliate and most of those transactions are automated.  Click Print for ordering labels, rubber stamps and other office supplies is one such site.

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